The other set will hold the prizes! I am all about FREE prizes! Here are some ideas:
-sit anywhere
-no shoes
-lunch with the teacher
-tech time
-switch desks
-pen all day
Throughout the day I randomly grab an egg from the student basket (I sometimes even have a student go get me one) and see whose name it is. If that person is on task/following directions/etc I say their name out loud. They then get to pick a RANDOM egg from the prize basket! Whatever is in their basket is what they get. They don't get to put it back. IF the student I pulled is not ready to earn their prize, I don't announce their name. I say something like, “Darn! This person isn't quite ready to earn their prize yet.”I then put their egg back in the basket for them to earn it later.
Where did you get those baskets?!? They are amazing!
Target! 🙂
AH gotta love target! Thanks for this resource! Definitely needing it right now!
Super cute! Love the idea! Thanks for sharing 😉
Hi! I didn't see the template for this – as I would like to use this tomorrow in my classroom. It's an awesome behavior tool and super motivating! Can you please let me know when I can find this!? Dayna
I just made it easier to find! Sorry about that 🙂
I love this! I am also having trouble finding the link that you posted. If you can help me out I would really appreciate it! Thanks!
So cute! I am going to have to try this next year. Thanks for sharing.
Do you put the students name and prize back in the bin once they win? Or do you wait til everyone is chosen or put everyone back in the next day? I just started using this today and would love to hear your opinion for what works best.