Have you ever heard of the app Chatterpix? Maybe you have, but you aren't quite sure how great in can be in your classroom! Not a 1:1 classroom? No problem! Neither am I!! Chatterpix provides a (FREE!) quick & easy way to informally assess your student's learning that is fun for them!
I have used this app in science and social studies mainly, but it can be used for ANYTHING! The app allows you to take any photo you have saved on your device and make it “talk”. You draw a line where you want the mouth to be and then the students have 30 seconds to record themselves. I always have them talk in the point of view of that photo.
In Social studies I had my students tell me about Hellen Keller, Harriet Tubman, and more heroes. They spoke as if they were the hero and told me about their life, how they made a different, and facts about that person.
Here is an example of a Chatterpix on Harriet Tubman:
In science we recently used it to wrap up our learning on the Solar System. All I required from them is 3 facts about the solar system. Here are a couple of my favorites:
I love that you can make it as broad or specific as you want or to fit your classroom.
I do take quick grades from their recordings and I needed a better way to organize that. I created a ChatterPix Check off sheet. As they finish their videos, they come and show me. I listen to their recording and then quickly tell them their grade. They then go to the check sheet I have (I just magnet it to the board!) and fill in their name and grade. It is super easy! If you don't want to have their grades up there, you can keep the sheet near you when you are listening.
I mentioned earlier I am not a 1:1 classroom. I have 5 devices I use in my room. My students just rotate through using the app. I always have them working on something else, or it is in stations as a must do activity by the end of the week. It really takes no time at all and the students love it!
You can grab my check of sheet for free here! 🙂
Follow my Tech board on Pinterest for more fun ideas for your classroom!
Great, what about the classroom management app
now days it is necessary as myly helps to save time as well as reduce teachers work load.
Hi… tried to find the ‘chatterpix’ app in the app store and couldn’t find it. Is the app available for iphone/ipad?